Origgin partners with SNEIC and SNEI to establish innovation centre on Singapore Nanjing Hi-tech Eco-island

Origgin has entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with The Institution of Engineers, Singapore, Incubator and Accelerator (IES-INCA) to strengthen the competitiveness of the Venture Co-Creation (VCCTM) ecosystem. IES was established in 1996 as the national society of engineers in Singapore and is well represented by engineers from different fields. Recently, IES has taken the strategic initiative to support new technology venture creation through IES-INCA. The objective of IES-INCA is to build successful Deep Technology and Engineering ventures anchored by technically competent engineers, to drive progress through creating competitive products, services and solutions to address today’s complex problems and opportunities. Under the MoU, IES-INCA will help to incubate potential VCCTM companies and provide mentorship in the areas of engineering translation to products and services, business strategy, business advisory, business network access and sourcing for funding within IES-INCA networks. VCCTMcompanies can leverage on these resources and expertise to validate its commercial feasibility and catalyse its growth. Through this partnership, both IES-INCA and Origgin hope to nurture the next generation of engineering deep tech start-ups and discover global business opportunities.

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  1. Administrator
    Administrator 4 years ago

    This is great!

  2. Administrator
    Administrator 4 years ago

    This is a great post!